
Certificate of Deposit

Current Rates as of March 31, 2025

Maturity TypeInterest Rate %Annual Percentage Yield (APY)Minimum Balance to Open ($)Compounding FrequencyEarly Withdrawal Penalties**
3 Month.50.50500Semi-Annually90 Days
6 Month1.751.76500Semi-Annually90 Days
9 Month Special2.002.01500Semi-Annually90 Days
12 Month2.002.01500Semi-Annually180 Days
18 Month2.002.01500Semi-Annually180 Days
24 Month2.002.01500Semi-Annually180 Days
30 Month2.252.26500Semi-Annually180 Days
48 Month2.352.36500Semi-Annually180 Days
Account TypeInterest Rate*** %Annual Percentage Yield (APY)*Minimum Balance to Open ($)Minimum Balance to Earn stated (APY)
Now Account***.10.105000.00
Super Now Account***.15.1510000.00
MMA Account***.15.1510000.00
Hi Performance MMA Account****
Tier 1***.15.1510,000 - 74,999.990.00
Tier 2***.20.2075,000.0075,000.00 +
Savings Account***.25.2525.000.00

*The Annual Percentage Yield assumes funds will remain on deposit for a full year at the advertised rate.

** Funds must remain on deposit until maturity to earn the advertised yield. Substantial penalty may apply for early withdrawals. For more information about penalties, please contact us at 620-628-4425

*** This is a variable rate account. The interest rate and APY may change at any time after the account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings for the applicable accounts.

****If your daily balance is $75,000.00 or more, the interest rate paid on the entire balance in your account will be at the tier two rate. If you daily balance is $74,999.00 or less, the interest rate paid on the entire balance will be at the tier one rate.